Technical and Vocational Education is deemed central towards the effort to attain and foster sustainable academic development in Suba District. Technical education and training has to take cognizance of the changing trends in technology in order to ensure relevance of the training to the country's current and future manpower needs. The purpose of this study was to assess the demand for the establishment of technical and vocational institutions places in Suba District. The school drop outs lack appropriate technical skills to enable them provide or be provided with employment posing unemployment. The study was conducted in Suba district in the Homa Bay County of Kenya. The specific research objectives were to determine the transition rate by pupils from secondary schools to join Technical Institutions elsewhere; to establish the accessibility variables to Technical education in the District; to determine the school expansion trends and to predict technical school spaces that will be required; to determine factors which have contributed to lack of technical institutions. The study employed descriptive survey design. The target population consisted of local educationists in the district such as Heads of primary and secondary schools in Suba district, while sample size for the study consisted of thirty percent of all Head teachers of primary schools, Principals of secondary schools and the Officers in the District Education Office. Proportionate stratified sampling technique was used to select the fifty Head teachers of primary schools and eleven principals of secondary schools from the District. Purposive sampling was used to select Officers at the District Education Office to participate in the study. The data was collected by use of questionnaires, interview schedule and document analysis. The study was based on John Rawls Theory of Social Justice which argues that a society is well ordered when its members know and agree to the same principles of social justice. Descriptive statistic such as means, frequencies, and percentages were used in data analysis. The study is presented in tables, charts, and graphs. The study findings are expected to benefit educational planners, policy makers and stakeholders to see the need of establishment of Technical institutions.