This study sought to determine the key issues that underpin the establishment of Disaster
Management (DM) department for Moi university libraries. The findings are based on data
collected from Moi University community. Data was collected by use of interviews, observation
and document analysis. The study aimed to: find out if there are disaster cases that relate to Moi
University libraries; ascertain measures that have been undertaken to curb such disasters and
establish the effectiveness of those measures in curbing disaster occurrences in university
libraries. This study established that university libraries are faced with several moribund disaster
threats such as: fire, water, heavy storms, earthquakes, burst water reservoir and pipes, hardware
failure, sabotage, student riots, and terrorist attacks. The study also established that measures that
have been taken to curb disaster occurrence in university libraries have not been very effective. It
recommends the establishment of disaster management policy with a budget allocation part of
which the library management could use to develop a specific policy for the library.
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